Hanna Holopainen
Member of Parliament for the Greens in Finland
Master of Science in Engineering
Member of the Defense Committee
Member of the Audit Committee
I am a Lappeenranta-based engineer and mother of two teenagers.
I got involved in politics because I want to work for a better world for future generations.
It is essential to adapt all actions to the limits of the earth’s carrying capacity.
My aims for the next government term are to:
- Continue the green transition away from the use of increasingly expensive fossil fuels. Ensure that the transition is fair and equitable for the disadvantaged.
- Continue to pay tribute to education. Increase resources for education and ensure that schools are a safe learning environment.
- Tackle the biodiversity loss. Without a thriving diverse natural world, there can be no thriving economy. Stronger nature conservation and, for example, stricter limits on mining, will provide the basis for a sustainable economy.
- Bring about more humane education policies and low-threshold support for mental health for young persons. The mental health emergency of students must be taken seriously. Without thriving young people, we have no future.
- To find ways to tackle the skills shortage. There is a shortage of people to fill vacancies in many organizations. This threatens to erode both our public services and the competitiveness of our businesses. A wide range of measures are needed: diverse education, reform of social security towards basic income, better access to foreign labour, etc.
- At working life, to ensure genuine access for all to welfare services and fair ground rules.
- Promote the vitality of SMEs in particular and improving the conditions for entrepreneurship. Enforce social security for entrepreneurs.
- To improve the situation of the poorest. We can afford that! For example, let’s make health care co-payments more affordable.
- Ensure that every child has equal opportunities for a good life. Increase resources for early childhood education and step up support for families with children.
- Ensure the welfare of animals. Fur farming is a thing of the past.
Who can vote – and how?
Regardless of domicile, every Finnish citizen who has reached the age of 18 not later than on the day of the election is entitled to vote.
In the Parliamentary Elections you can vote either
on the election day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. or
in advance during the advance voting period
The election day is on Sunday 2.4.2023
The advance voting in Finland begins on 22nd and lasts until the 28thMarch.2023
On the election day, you may only vote at your own polling station, i.e. at the polling station indicated on the ballot paper received by you. The statement of voting rights itself is not required for the vote, but you can take it with you if you wish. Be sure to bring an identity card to the polling station, which may be an identity card, passport, driver’s license or similar pictorial document issued by the police.
In advance, you can vote at any polling station in Finland or even abroad. Advance polling stations are mainly located in municipal offices, libraries, post offices and shopping centers. Also when voting in advance, be sure to bring an identity card to the polling station, which may be an identity card, passport, driver’s license or similar pictorial document issued by the police.
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